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so sleep alone tonight
![]() HARRIET. Superly loves 3C3'09! And her Lovely Aricia And her SuperAwesome Din I WANT BIRTHDAY PRESENTS! :) |
about this blog
Woah, I'm supposed to put something about this blog here?But I don't know what to write! Haha, I mean, its a blog for me to write in isn't it! Yeah, well, THIS IS MY BLOG! TADAHHHH. tagboard affiliates
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
I can't take this anymore
Oh,I know, I know, I know its retarded. I already can happily say I don't know where to go. The one most important thing to keep, I've lost. My fault, always has been. So no, nothing in between, I guess the choice is nothing. Goodbye then, there's no need for two weeks, or anything shorter even. Its just, nothing. Its my decision to make, and really, I've decided. I won't continue pulling you down any further, and it won't hurt me much more even. So, what's stopping me? Haha, Goodbye my love. I know I let you down
I know, I know,I know I let you down. The way I loved you by Taylor Swift is making my sadder by the moment, cause, cause, I want to be as perfect as she describes her guy. (go read the lyrics) I will Be by Leona Lewis is driving me insane. "Cause without you I cant sleep I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave You're all I've got, you're all I want Yeah And without you I don't know what I'd do I can never, ever live a day without you Here with me, do you see, You're all I need" How ironic, plus, its my new favourite song to listen to the past days. everything's just one big pile of crap. Ah, everything's just really stupid, so I don't know, I don't want to care. I can live without you. I have Geraldine, Aricia to help me through(Seriously,I LOVE you guys ALOTALOT) I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine How hard it is to lie to yourself when you really need to. I miss kissing in the rain
why does everyday have to be lousy?haha, horrible. but i will be strong. you don't know, you think I'm strong? you think my life's brilliant? yeah, it may be. to me, but I face the same thing as you EVERY FREAKING DAY. so, should I be like you too huh. I just make the best of what I have. Maybe you should try that too. At least then, maybe, just maybe, you'll know how I feel when you say there's someone else on your mind. I quote you: "Perfect? Oh i wish, i wish. The many imperfections to be perfected for you, Im trying, trying; But all i ever seem to achieve is the opposite." yeah, I'm trying. But really, now, I've lost faith in my love, and I've lost faith in yours and yet, it still hurts just as much as it did before BAD STUFF ASIDE, harriet is in a mood where she's so emo all she can think about is like I want to call Ricia and cry. HAHA, (why am I calling her Ricia?) AHHHHHHHH. cry, just let those tears flow. I'm gonna go cry on my geog graded assignment now. hating your class doesn't give you the right to obsess over someone else. ESP over a bitch. there's no connection like Din said. SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? break my heart? yeah well, you've done a great job Congratulations. I'll give you a reward. And, that bitch you like? well, I don't care how much you don't believe, but I swear. SWEAR. that she was talking about us, don't care what you think. cause your impression of her will always be perfect, no matter what I say. ![]() babies are just shield from the scary world outside. and all I want is to be shield from the truth, I want to be in your arms and know everything will be alright. STOP DREAMING HARRIET. /edit HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUET YI! (L) you keep me from falling apart
I will always love youhowever much you might not I've had a super horrible day. :( A STUPID SEC ONE ROLLED HER EYES AT ME! -.- I hate her. ah, let me do a quiz. awesome. 1: Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? ERM, neck? 2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning? I felt tired. I felt tired of school. 3: Who was the last person you took a photo with? Baby AH Jean! :D 4: Would you considered yourself to be spoilt? 5: Would you ever donate blood? SCARY. I don't think so. 6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? Uhhuh? 7: Do you want someone dead? yeah, I want me dead. 8: What does your last text message says? Aricia who said someone's mean, but sweet. HAHAH, and that I shouldn't cry so much. 9: What are you thinking of right now? HOW TO WRITE THE FREAKING COMMONWEALTH ESSAY BECAUSE I'VE DECIDED TO DO IT. -.- 10: Do you wish someone was with you right now? yeapps. and tell me that you still want me. HAHA, because obviously, you don't 11: What time did you go to sleep last night? 1.30am? I think. 12: Where did you buy the t-shirt you're wearing now? WHO KNOWS? 13: Is someone on your mind right now? Of course 14: Who was the last person who text you? ARICIA. -.- (didn't they ask something like this.) I'M BORED. and sleepy I'll go do my essay now. /edit maybe I was never the right one, but we didn't think about that did we? but really, can we let go now? Haha, you probably like someone else right now. and there's always going to be someone else. So what am I doing, making you feel so bad about hurting me? when we shouldn't even be talking in the first place, shouldn't even have met. its not your fault I'm hurting I'm just making you more troubled and what's the point in that? so what's going to happen? I'm going to die I've been reading people's archives. I really shouldn't have. Its just made me see that, I've made the biggest mistake of my life. and I can never go back. What more can I say?
OKAY, SO TODAY, WAS SUPER BORING. BORING BORING BORING BORING. really. I ONLY HAVE ONE PICTUREEE :) and that's of the braids that we tied this afternoon. AWESOME ![]() I'm on the left, Aricia on the right. DOESN'T MY HAIR LOOK SO STRAIGHT!?!?!? SO NICEEEEEE. HAHAHA, THANKS EMMA! /edit I JUST WANTED TO PUT A PICTURE OF LERJEAN :) (my favourite cousin yo!) She's the baby I'm holding. AWESOME. ![]() SHOPPING! ;D
awesome day yesterday!! :D shopping with lovely Dao Xin and <3 MY LOVELY ARICIA :) YAY, AWESOME DAY. :D okay, let's chill. Harriet's gonna go do amath now! :D awesome I love you that I'm acting insane, I want to spend forever. with you. but I may have ruined everything, do you still want me? Dreadful aren't I?
OKAY, so, all funny things aside, today, was lousy.the end. I cried in chinese cause the stupid story seemed to pierce me hundred times over. ouch. and i know no one else felt the way I did. :( I don't feel like talking to anyone. EXCEPT, I NEED TO KNOW MY TIMETABLE. SO WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME? I don't want to "you don't have to call anymore, I won't pick up the phone" I mean it, cause I've had a horrid day and you ended it with a bang. Hmpf. what are you hiding from me? I'll just ignore all of it and go sleep, I don't want to see you. HMPF. Harriet is starting to just stone. go to sleep. don't cry. its just one day, tomorrow will be better. I promise. Now I'm just talking to myself. Hell. PRETTY PRETTY
SCHOOL WAS SLEEP INDUCING :)OKAY. and this is TO EVERYONE. :) DO NOT WAKE ME UP WITH A PHONE CALL. ESPECIALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. :) thankyou. (only Zoey seemed to know that -.-) PICTUREEEEESSSS OF MY CLASS! O: awesome :) YAYYYY :) I see sunset in your eyes
Harriet's gonna eat chocolate tonight and get a high and stay up real late to do all her homework. :)YAY. isn't homework so retarded? DARLING
OOH, its saturdayyy and homework day:(haha, I've been having weirdweird dreams (yes, I know, weird) LOL, SO, HARRIET SHALL GO DO CHINESE COMPO SOON. I hate writing! :( HAHA, neverrrminddddd. :) but I can't really blog so I'll reply tags! :D fun! HAHA, Aricia:HAHAHA, what kind of spam lah! so littleeee :) OF COURSE YOU LOVE THE TISSUE BOX :) LOVEEEE :) No one is perfect; but how I wish to be perfect for you
Harriet's gone through a crazy day.and all I want is to be in your arms, and hear you say "I love you" Wishful thinking. :) my special person
-groans- my iTunes isn't working properly. UGH. so now, 14GB of stupid songs are being re-put in into iTunes. GOSH. :(yes, and today was such a RETARDED DAY. (yes I swear) HAHA, SPOT CHECK IN THE MORNING AND THEY CAUGHT ME! O: yeah, and for the weirdest reason. MY SOCKS WHICH COULD BE SEEN. -.- and the teacher was like "your uniforms are all fine" AHAHAHA, AS IF. OHMYGOSH, then A math was like, boring. HAHA, (sorryyyy!) I can't help it. :) but he decided not to give homework :) RECESS WAS HUNGRY-FYING. right after recess I was hungry?!?! yes I'm so retarded. HAHA, when its recess I'm not hungry, but when its just after recess I'm super hungry. -.- RETARDED. ER, THEN IT WAS PUREEEEE GEOGRAPHY! haha, I've changed my mind on Miss Sharyl. HAHAHA, (well, in a good way of course! for me I mean, I'm not gonna go crazy again :)) HAHAHA, but she's still got a veryvery nice voice :) CHINESE TEACHER CAME IN TODAY. and she's supersuper funny and her lessons are supersuper fun :):) I like the way she teaches :) Mr Lee's FUNNY TOOOOO, omgosh, he's so hilarious. BUT REALLY, the most hilarious (and fun) part of the day, was, BIOLOGY PRACTICAL!!! I have had never had so much fun looking at my own cheek cells. and hearing aricia's partner. HAHAHA, so funny. "zhen gan dong!" I seriously can't believe I have a classmate like that. HAHAHAHAHHAHA, so funnny. and I learnt that, this super cool thing of my partners. HAHA, Megan's dad works in the industrial development (land), Vanessa's dad fixes Airplanes (air), and MY daddy works in the navy(water)!!!! COOL RIGHT. haha (maybe not) HAHAHAHHAHA. okay, harriet is high, and hungry. again. [/edit] That girl representing VGLF looks like Janice's hair! O: HAHAHA, Janice can summon the wind! O: interesting.. :) I Hate This Part - Pussycat Dolls We're driving slow Through the snow On fifth avenue And right now radio's All that we can hear Now we ain't talked since we left It's so overdue It's cold outside But between us its worse in here The world slows down But my heart beats fast right now I know this is the part Where the end starts I can't take it any longer Thought that we were stronger All we do is linger Slipping through my fingers I don't want to try now All that's lefts goodbye to Find a way that I can tell you I hate this part right here I hate this part right here I just can't take your tears I hate this part right here Everyday seven takes of the same old scene Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine Gotta talk to you now fore we go to sleep But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me The world slows down But my heart beats fast right now I know (i know) this is (this is) the part where the end starts I can't take it any longer Thought that we were stronger All we do is linger Slipping through my fingers I don't want to try now All that's lefts goodbye to Find a way that I can tell you I hate this part right here I hate this part right here I just can't take your tears I hate this part right here I know you'll ask me to hold on And carry on like nothings wrong But there is no more time for lies Cause I see sunset in your eyes I can't take it any longer Thought that we were stronger All we do is linger Slipping through our fingers I don't want to try now All that's lefts goodbye to Find a way that I can tell you But I gotta do it I gotta do it I gotta do it I hate this part I gotta do it I gotta do it I gotta do it Oh I hate this part right here I hate this part right here I just can't take these tears I hate this part right here Haha, there's something about this song that makes me cry. -frowns- cheer me up darling (haha, I have NO IDEA who that may be, I swear) I. WILL. NOT. EMO. Super imposter
Okay, supersuper day :) HEEHEE(: reallyyyyy. :) HAHA, yes, so what was this day all about?? yesyes, everyone's asking that question aren't they? :DHaha, so today was erm, Well, there was SUPPOSED to be YAY, so, er, I FORGOT THE FIRST LESSON -.- OHOH, A MATH! yesyes HAHA, I forgot to hand in Mr C's homework the other time :) OOPS. HAHAHA, never mind lah, he also never really scold. But i did okayyy!! :D RECESS WAS SUPER. like, we sat with all the C3 peeps? (aricia and I!) HAHA, Aricia keeps saying everyone gravitates towards her -.- AS IF. HAHAHA. ERM, next was bio? And since Megan and Vanessa had LEFT FOR HEALTH CHECKUP, I was left all alone!!! O: but WanYing and YiQing came overrr :D SO HAPPY. HAHA, but YiQing left when it was CME. CME WAS SUPER HILARIOUS CAN. So, it went something like this: Ms Tan: I know some students can sleep even when in the front row.. Aricia: ANDRO! (everyone laughs, cause she slept during Bio) Ms Tan: -LOOKS RIGHT AT ME- yeah! just like you! Me: NONONO! I neverrrr. (HAHAH, as if) Ms Tan: you did! and your excuses are "because my eyes are small, that's why you think that I'm sleeping" and "I'm just closing my eyes but i'm listening!" God, that was retarded. AHHAHAHAH, yeapps. So, CME was a blast. :) Next was English, which was quite boring (SORRY Ms V!) yeah but, how exactly do you make compre questions interesting RIGHT? AHHA, exactly. Assembly was so retarded. We just sat there with our ear-drums bursting 'cause of the super loud music. HAHA, COOOOOLLL. yeap, then I went home with SY, Christy and ZL. YEAPPS. THAT'S ALL. :) OHOH, AND MEE SUA IS SUPER TASTY. HAAHHAHAA, (I still don't get the 'hu' part) HEEHEE(: love, HARRIET :) Don't break my heart
AH, I decided to do this thing all over again.is it really my fault I keep crying? Yes it is. God, I just can't seem to stop spilling the tears, they come so easily and all I can do is wipe them off. I don't even have a reason to cry. Oh shut up Harriet. HAHA, let's all go crazy together! |